To reach every generation with the message of hope and strengthen faith formation.

A Gateway organization to save lives, restore hope, and strengthen community through effective suicide prevention programs.

Our Mission

The Way Consulting, Int’l. exists to save lives and ease emotional pain by bringing evidence-informed training and practices in mental health and suicide prevention and response to public, private, and faith-based organizations, such that our engagement serves as a catalyst to transform organizational behavior and improve lives.
While suicide has no single cause, it, too, has no single solution. The response must be comprehensive, evidence and data-informed, and multi-dimensional. The Way Consulting Int’l. Team of subject matter experts knows what needs to be done, knows how to get it done, and obtains results.

The emotional struggles people face are greatly influenced by complex social determinants and root causes that contribute to mental health concerns and wellbeing, and call out the need for a holistic organizational approach to emotional intelligence.  Through The Way Consulting Int’l. , the E. Stanley Jones Foundation encourages and advances holistic wellness with consulting services, needs assessment, and programs that address emotional health, mental health literacy, and meet mental health needs among youth and young adults.  We believe that healthy organizations can be empowered for good through well-defined policies and programs that foster a positive environment for wholeness and wellbeing.

Our Team

The Way Consulting Int’l.  has assembled an interdisciplinary team and network of internationally experienced, extraordinarily qualified professionals in mental health who share a vision for wellbeing and wellness.  Saving lives, restoring hope, and strengthening community through effective suicide prevention programs is our sole focus, and we know the best of science and practice to achieve these results.


Dr. E. Stanley Jones experienced stress and mental suffering in the course of his work as a global missionary. In the 1940s, Dr. E. Stanley Jones took up the cause of persons with mental illness and their families. Dr. Jones met frequently with Dr. Karl Menninger, the world-famous Psychoanalyst, who agreed to help Jones establish a psychiatric center in India. His dream became reality when in 1945, Dr. Dagmar Norell, a Swedish Psychiatrist at the Menninger Institute, agreed to start a Center for psychiatric services in Lucknow.  The Nur Manzil (Palace of Light) Psychiatric Center officially opened on December 13, 1950.

Over the years, the Center has evolved to provide quality mental health care to persons from all over the Indian subcontinent. Embracing changes and developments in psychiatry, Nur Manzil has been a learning and working environment for renowned mental health professionals from the world over to practice their art. The Center has been a source of effective treatment and healing to patients and their caregivers alike. Dr. Jones believed firmly that treatment of mental and behavioral illnesses is best done through bio-psychosocial and spiritual holistic strength-based approaches to psychiatric care. Today, Nur Manzil continues to pioneer in the field of psychiatry as a charitable institution offering its unique services to the society at large without any discrimination because of religion, gender, social or economic status. Nur Manzil owes its existence to the foresight of Dr. E. Stanley Jones who believed in creating a Psychiatric Center to offer the full benefits of modern Psychiatry in an environment in which the individual care and concern for the human being as a whole would prevail. He emphasized that the care of the mind alone would not be enough to reach full health. Attention is focused on Psychological, Social and Spiritual needs for a wholistic approach to health. Many distinguished Psychiatrists from Sweden, Switzerland, U.S.A., Britain and Australia have contributed greatly to the development of Nur Manzil, which is now under the full-time leadership of Indian physicians and a range of mental health professionals.

Why We Do What We Do

The pandemic has changed how we work, learn, live, and interact and brought immeasurable suffering, hardship, and personal loss to individuals, families, faith communities, governments, healthcare organizations, schools, and more. Unsurprisingly, the pandemic has also exacerbated risk factors associated with suicidal behavior among many people. Whether managing the loss of a job, company closures, depression, addiction, family violence, and isolation; the stress resulting from COVID-19 is real.

Surgeon General Report (January 2021) acknowledges “Suicide is one of the 10 leading causes of death in the U.S., claiming more than 47,000 lives in 2019 alone. The rates of suicide have risen more than 30 percent between 1999-2019. More people die each year die from suicide than from HIV, malaria, or breast cancer, or from war and homicide, according  to the World Health Organization (WHO).  The scope of impact from COVID-19 and the pandemic on mental health remains to be seen.

The Way Consulting Int’l. believes the time to act is now. The health issues resulting from COVID-19 are broad, deep, and multi-faceted. When viewed along with existing high rates of suicide in our nation, we must conclude that continued vertical and siloed efforts without considering horizontal and cross program linkages with other efforts leads to inefficiencies, duplication, redundancies, and diminished results. The Way Consulting Int’l. takes a blended approach and applies multiple integrated approaches, maximizing existing investments and making new investments to ensure results. The time to integrate and synchronize our many activities to prevent suicide and promote wellness is upon us and the Way Consulting Int’l. professional team knows how, on your behalf, to get this done,

The experience of helping a fellow person in danger, or even training in a realistic manner to be able to give this help, tends to change the balance of power in a youth's inner life, with the result that compassion can become the master motive.

The Cornerstone of a Caring Culture 

Kurt Hahn who was a German educator and founder of the United World College spoke that his favorite story was the story of the Good Samaritan. In his view, it is a clear example how people who were in a position of strength to help someone in need, failed to act. It is a surprising example of how an outsider–a weaker, despised Samaritan who seeing the person in need, offered help, and in so doing, taught us what it means to be a civilized human being. Encountering this Parable of the Good Samaritan, became the passion of Hahn’s life. It focused his life’s work to help as many people as possible to fulfill their own promise, to be the best they can be, and to live with courage, compassion, and love, following the example of the Good Samaritan. 

This parable poses very important transformative questions for us today, questions that can serve to ensure a caring culture/community for all:

How can we live a life of ensuring significance?

Who am I, and who is my neighbor?

It was the Samaritan in the parable who helped a person in need, not because it was his job, or to seek recognition or because the person in need was from his country or ethnic group, but because The Samaritan understood that everyone was his neighbor, no one was a stranger.

Our attitudes toward one another do not depend upon who they are but upon who we are. Our neighbors are everywhere and wherever there is need, wherever our minds reach, wherever our skills can be used, that is our neighborhood. That fact is the cornerstone of a caring culture.

The Way Consulting Int’l. team subscribes fully to the concept that suicide prevention, the promotion of health and well-being, and the establishment of a caring, compassionate, and loving environment belong to all of us. When you combine that caring, compassionate and loving spirit with data, evidence and results, lives can and will be saved.

Hahn’s proposal for a loosely federated Corps of Helpers could contribute to creating a deep and sustaining culture of caring. According to Hahn, it is critical to let individuals know that they are “needed.”  Neither a proclamation nor persuasion inspires people or engenders hope. But a sense of purpose and engagement in service to others is transformational.

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