Reach today’s generations with the message of Jesus Christ and make known the Kingdom of God.

The first book I read of E. Stanley Jones’ after being saved in 1965 was his autobiography A Song of Ascents, and then, a couple of years later, when I was dating my future husband, a native of Hyderabad, India, I found the most enlightening book, Along the Indian Road.

During that time, 1970-71, Dr. Jones came to speak at Calvary Temple, my church in Denver. After having read his book on India, I could not wait to hear what he had to say. My sister in-law who had just arrived from India as a medical intern was with me. So often I wish I had a cassette copy of that teaching so I could go back and hear specifically what he said that so encouraged me.

What I remember about that evening was Dr. Jones’ quiet presence. He was not in a hurry to give his message but seemed to relish the silence somehow, and so all of us became quiet and waited along with him. To this day, I have never been in such a gathering. It was like we were all in a holy place with which he was well-acquainted – his ashram. I came away somehow comforted and filled. Of all the great speakers I heard during the early 70s, E. Stanley Jones remains the most memorable.

Some of his books are on my shelf: A Song of Ascents, Conversion, The Divine Yes, The Christ of the Mount, and Victory Through Surrender. On my computer I have just downloaded a PDF version of Christ of the Indian Road provided by Boston University. His biography on the website about is inspiring. I am keeping it in my journal.

My husband and I spent two months earlier this year traveling to seven cities in South India to reunite with family and friends. I had not been there in 25 years although my husband regularly went back. Being in India again reminded me of what E. Stanley Jones wrote in Along the Indian Road that truly foreshadowed my own experience in many ways. His conviction resonates with me still.

“I came to India out of a very conservative training. There were no doubts because I had closed out all problems. I had a closed mind, closed upon the fact of the satisfying Christ within. If walls shut out other things, they also shut within one this precious Fact.

But as the first disconcerting years of a missionary went by and my contacts with educated non-Christians became more intimate, my walls began to be assailed. They even crumbled before the revelation of such truth as this in the Hindu Scriptures: ‘You are to be like the sandalwood tree, which when smitten by the ax pours its perfume upon the ax that smites it.’ Was that not loving one’s enemies and doing good to them that despitefully use one? But this came out of Hinduism. How could I relate my never-before-heard-of newness in Christ to this fact of evident truth and beauty found elsewhere?

I studied the sacred books of other faiths, afraid of finding goodness and truth there. To find it would destroy my inward position. I had my back to the wall for several years. Only my experience of Christ held me steady amid the swirl of mental conflict. Then one day I inwardly let go. I would follow where truth would lead me. I could feel myself turning pale as I did so. Where would it land me? I was letting go securities that had been satisfying for an uncharted sea. But after some time, when I looked back, I found that I came out not two inches away from where I went in. The great securities of my faith were intact. But now I held them because they held me. . . .”

My Hindu husband brought his mother to live with us in 1992 after her husband passed away. It was a joy having such an accepting mother-in-law. She died last year at the age of 96. E. Stanley Jones’ words have made a huge impact on my witness to my Hindu family and friends. I wish I could thank him personally for encouraging me to persevere and love, no matter what.

Having been an avid reader, for over 40 years, of such saints as Dietrich Bonhoeffer, T. Austin Sparks, Thomas A Kempis, Oswald Chambers, etc., it wasn’t until this past year that I ‘discovered’ E. Stanley Jones. His spiritually practical insights have encouraged me toward a more intimate and powerfully personal partnership with our God and my fellowman.

Thank you for putting this on social media. “Unchanging Person” transformed theology, my outlook, and it was a divine appointment in my life. I look forward to spending my next vacation at an Ashram and bringing to life the hope I have found through the servitude of E. Stanley Jones.

‘In old age… blossom at the end like a night-blooming cereus.’ This statement was written by a missionary to India, the late Dr. E. Stanley Jones, native of Baltimore, Maryland. He made a profound impact on all those around him because of his extraordinary faith and service to others. Later in life his work was acknowledged by Franklin D. Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi. In spite of a stroke at age eighty-seven that disabled him and impaired his speech, he dictated his last book, The Divine Yes, and addressed a world congress in Jerusalem from his wheelchair shortly before he died in his beloved India.

The night-blooming cereus (a family of flowering cacti) that he spoke of brings a beauty to the desert when it opens up at nightfall. Some say these plants produce fruit large enough for people to consume. Dr. Jones certainly knew something about blossoming in the nighttime of life and producing fruit in plenty; consider all those he touched along his way. His is a worthy testimony of living a meaningful life during the journey to eternal life. Do we, the older generation, do the same? Are we producing fruit that replenishes others, or do we complain about our circumstances and drain others who look forward to living full lives? By our attitudes, do we make the younger dread the inevitable – growing old? Many elderly people, without realizing, taint the purpose God has for them: to impact the younger generations by exemplifying reliance on Him and hope in His unchanging promises. We should be content, for Jesus has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). – Reverend Billy Graham, Nearing Home

“Each morning I have incorporated ‘Abundant Living’ into my morning devotional. I hope to one day have all of E. Stanley Jones books. It is always so amazing to read what was written in the 1940s and still what we need to hear today.”
– Patricia Dekeyzer

I was sitting there, in a noonday Lenten Service 50 years ago. This man came out to speak, and of course, he was a famous intellect, and he started by saying he had never been discouraged in 25 years. – I had never heard anything like that. But I could not write him off as an odd ball because of his intellectual prowess, nor could I dispose of him as a crank, for he was scientific. His name was Dr. E. Stanley Jones. He was a missionary in India, who worked with the upper class and won them to Christ by the thousands with his orderly argument.

On this occasion, he said the reason he had not been discouraged was due to a simple workable secret. Jones said he had been trying to carry everything himself. One night, in despair in Lucknow, India, while praying in church, the Lord said to him: ‘Look Stanley, are you ready to turn life over to me or do you want to hang on to it and ruin it? If you give it to me, I will give you health, long life, and no discouragements.’ ‘Seemed like a good deal to me, so I chose it on the spot,’ said Jones. That made a powerful impression on me, because I had been brought up differently. I had never heard anything like that.

Within the past year, my best friend, Daniel, and I have truly discovered the writings of your father and it has changed our lives. Daniel is a pastor in the Virginia Conference, and I am a pastor in the Baltimore-Washington Conference. We meet each week with a small group of pastors for accountability, spiritual growth, and church leadership. For years, our mentor, Dennis Dorsch, has spoken about E. Stanley Jones and urged us to read his books. Fourteen years ago, Dennis took my confirmation class to Mount Olivet Cemetery. And now I join him as we take our confirmation classes there. However, it was not until this year that I really got into reading his works. Each week, Daniel and I end up sharing with our group what we have been reading from your father or which of his books we have been able to find for sale online. They are extremely difficult to obtain otherwise. I don’t know what to say other than to thank you since I cannot thank him. All of his work continues to bear much fruit as there are those of us of the next generation who have discovered the truth in his writings and have changed our lives and ministries because of that discovery. I have shunned almost all other things, especially anything written in the past 10 years in exchange for the opportunity to read his works. I wish we could have met your father. He is a great man.