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A Song of Ascents

Taking this title from the Psalms, Jones thinks of his life as a pilgrimage. This is a summary of his ministry in which Dr. Jones reveals his steps as missionary, evangelist, author, and theologian. Here is “the inside story” of his Christian walk, of his difficulties along the way, guidance in times of stress, and victory over potential failures. Jones affirms that “Jesus is Lord,” and ends with a survey of “what life has taught me so far.” One decisive turning point includes this observation, ”My theology was neat and tied up with a blue ribbon – unchanging. I felt I should take the adventure and follow truth anywhere to whatever end it would lead me. I inwardly turned pale as I let go of the securities of a ‘blocked off’ faith to follow truth to unknown destinations. I was free—free to explore, to appropriate any good, any truth found anywhere, for I belonged to the Truth – I belonged to Jesus Christ.” This marvelous book shows what God can do with an ordinary person when that person is surrendered to Christ.