E. Stanley Jones Professors of Evangelism

The Foundation for Evangelism provides funding to support the E. Stanley Jones Professors of Evangelism at United Methodist and Wesleyan-tradition seminaries and schools of theology around the world including positions in Germany, Russia and Zimbabwe.

Named for the renowned evangelist and missionary, E. Stanley Jones, these professorships were established to prepare the next generation of leaders for ministry in the local church through classes in evangelism, missions, and a variety of other disciplines all taught with a focus on evangelism in the spirit of John Wesley. Through ongoing research and publication, these professors reach far beyond the seminary walls to educate and equip clergy, laity, and youth for evangelism ministries that bear fruit in the 21st century local church.

While most of the teaching occurs in Master of Divinity degree programs, several institutions provide education at the doctoral level with our E. Stanley Jones Professors of Evangelism providing leadership. Other professors provide classes in course of study and are helping the Church to develop guidelines for theological education. These exceptional Christian leaders and teachers impact lives across the denomination and around the world.

Stephen Gunter

Director, E. Stanley Jones Professors of Evangelism

Achim Härtner

Reutlingen School of Theology
Reutlingen, Germany

ESJ Professor since 1993

Jack Jackson

Claremont School of Theology
Claremont, CA, USA

ESJ Professor since 2010

Henry (Hal) H. Knight III

St. Paul School of Theology
Leawood, KS, USA

ESJ Professor since 1993

Sergei Nikolaev

Moscow Theological Seminary of The United Methodist Church

Moscow, Russia
ESJ Professor since 2005

Joon Sik Park

Methodist Theological School in Ohio

Delaware, Ohio, USA
ESJ Professor since 2000

F. Douglas Powe, Jr.

Wesley Theological Seminary

Washington, D.C., USA
ESJ Professor since 2004

Angel Santiago-Vendrell

Asbury Theological Seminary, Orlando

Orlando, FL USA
ESJ Professor since 2010

Daniel Shin

Drew Theological School

Madison, NJ, USA
ESJ Professor since 2012

Bryan Stone

Boston University School of Theology

Boston, MA, USA
ESJ Professor since 1998

Mark Teasdale

Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary

Evanston, IL, USA
ESJ Professor since 2009

Postion Vacant

Gammon Theological Seminary Atlanta, GA, USA

Position Vacant

Africa University Mutare, Zimbabwe